The Sick Be Nourished

COVID-19 Appeal
Our COVID-19 Food Appeal

Some of our recipients
We are working tirelessly with our local communities to ensure that those in need and the vulnerable are cared for and provided with essentials including food. Our teams have braved it from crucial meetings to discuss strategy to downing surgical masks and gloves and taking it to the community.
With local charities serving vital meals including breakfast closing down due to shortage of food donations and risks posed by COVID-19. We devised a way of raising donations of essentials. We approached local shops, discussed with them about who we are and what we are doing and what we are looking to achieve. The local shops came on board and have been very supportive, they donated a great amount of food from big bags of rice to boxes of patties.
With the support of local shops who donated food we have to date supported more people who have different needs and difficulties from physical health including sickle cell condition to immigration issues. Our team ensures that the food is dropped off safely outside the recipient's address and the recipient notified.
- Recipient of food donations - wheelchair user Westminster Road BIRMINGHAM.
- Recipient of food donations - female with immigration issues. She has no support system and has 4 children in the home.
- Recipient of food donations - a sister who is unable to walk due to very severe Sickle cell condition.
Give thanks, if we ask we do get. If you need help please contact us, don't think you have to be by yourself ! Bless up
- Sauditu -
Team on the Go
Rastafari love SBN family give thanks Kofi, not at work have been on lock down but had to go out today. Ras I come forward so I an I checked several food shops for donations of food. We managed to get a very large bag of onions and potatoes from Pak , Sunrise bakery gave some cocoa bread and bun. Heathfield supermarket gave some crisps and sweets, seasoning. I called Cleone bakery who produce Island delight patties and they have asked for us to email them. Then they can organise to give some patties.
The bags are here so we can start bagging out.
Giving thanks unto the ancestral energies
Just brought some food for Ras Imus and Ras Moquapi has kindly just taken it up for me, water flour etc. Went to Bangla station shop in Lozells to get food for Ras Imus and JJ a Sistrin who is unable to walk due to very severe Sickle cell disease. Told them I am from SBN and we are helping our communities by visiting them and low and behold was given 80 kg of rice as donation from them
Keeping Our communities safe during the Coronavirus outbreak
Dear All
In light of the uncertainty we all face in our daily lives with the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) We wanted to write to you to keep you informed of the steps we have asked of our team at The Sick be Nourished Project to ensure we are prepared for all scenarios. Our absolute number one priority is the safety of our teams, volunteers and beneficiaries. In this regard, meetings and events will be cancelled until further notice.
We will however be able to signpost those who need urgent supply of food,
The Sick be Nourished project team will be available in a limited capacity to offer assistance and answer questions as best as we can.
Hygiene Is Critical
There is still a lot we do not know about Coronavirus, but health authorities have been clear that maintaining good hygiene, is absolutely critical. Our Partners on the continent working on the front lines, have limited access to vital health facilities including surgical masks, gloves, a constant supply of water and testing kits. Health facilities across Africa will need to ramp up services in hospitals, clinics and drop in centres, yet many will fall short and be unable to cope with any major increase in demand.
We currently provide ‘Clinic in a Box’, to under-resourced communities, which normally contains 50 surgical masks, we have instructed our packaging team to increase the number from 50 to 100, We are appealing for your support through donations towards more surgical masks and much needed gloves.
Our Appeal To you
Sick Be Nourished Projects ‘Clinic in a Box ‘ is designed for situations where reaching remote areas to save lives is crucial particularly during this current Corona Virus outbreak. Your support through monetary funds, items such as surgical masks, gloves, will assist us greatly to achieve our goal of increasing the number of ‘Clinic in a Box’ and supplying them where they are needed the most. Please click on the link for ‘Clinic in a Box’ info and donations;
What you need to do
Build up your immune system
Plenty fluids, fresh fruits & vegetables
Hand hygiene
Social distancing
‘Let the hungry be fed, the naked clothed, The Sick be Nourished, Aged protected and infants cared for…’
We wish you all good health.
Very best wishes
The Sick Be Nourished Team